Lab material and scientific instruments.

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Lab supplies, laboratory equipment, lab glassware

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Lab supplies, laboratory equipment, lab glassware

Magnetic stirrers

Magnetic stirrers

Magnetic stirrers 2mag

Magnetic stirrers 2mag

Selection list magnetic stirrers with and without heating and or external controller
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IDL - Magnetic stirrers

IDL - Magnetic stirrers

Read all about the new models 2002/2005 and MS-12B!
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Phoenix multiple point magnetic stirrer

Phoenix multiple point magnetic stirrer

10-/16 channel magnetic stirrer, with hotplate, sturdy construction (IP 42), ...
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IKA RCT basic digital magnetic stirrer

The bestseller among the magnetic stirrers
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Pipette-Sets, Transferpette® S, adjustable volume Brand

SONOPULS HD 5020/5050

Ultrasonic homogeniser by Bandelin
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Auxiliaire de pipetage macro par Brand Technologie optimisée et design ergonomique !

Macro pipette controller by Brand

Optimized technology and ergonomic design!
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HandyStep® touch Repetitive pipettes by Brand

HandyStep® touch

Repetitive pipettes by Brand
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Bio sample scoop by Bürkle

Bio sample scoop by Bürkle

LaboPlast and Steriplast Bio®
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DURAN® TILT GL 56 Bouteille de préparation

DURAN® TILT GL 56 Media Preparation Bottle

Media Preparation Bottle, with screw cap and pouring ring
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Precision from Kern

Precision from Kern

moisture analyzers, school balances and analytical balances
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Liebherr laboratory refrigerators and ultra-low freezers

Liebherr lab-refrigerators and ultra-low freezers

with comfort electronics or explosion-proof
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Memmert constant climate chambers HPPeco

Memmert constant climate chambers HPPeco

Maximum energy efficiency in continuous operation.
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pH-Fix test strips with precise match by Macherey-Nagel

pH-Fix test strips with precise match

by Macherey-Nagel
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Professional lab equipment by Ohaus, hot plate stirrers, mini centrifuges, vortex mixers

Professional lab equipment by Ohaus

hot plate stirrers, mini centrifuges, vortex mixers
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LH-Pette the new variable pipettes from Phoenix Instrument

LH-Pette the new variable microlitre pipettes

from Phoenix Instrument
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Compact, powerful and environmentally friendly Refrigerated / heating circulators of the CORIO series.

Compact, powerful and environmentally friendly

circulators of the CORIO series by Julabo
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LabHEAT standard heating mantles series KM-G by SAF Wärmetechnik

LabHEAT standard heating mantles series KM-G

by SAF Wärmetechnik
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by Welch
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Heidolph magnetic stirrer Hei-PLATE Silver 1 Package with heating and Pt 1000

Heidolph magnetic stirrer Hei-PLATE Silver 1 Package

with heating, Pt 1000 and clamping system
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Kipp-Rollenmischer RS-TR 5 von Phoenix Instrument

Phoenix Instrument centrifuges for every application in your lab

Take advantage of the promotion now
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HettCube incubators and cooled incubators with the new touch screen

HettCube incubators and cooled incubators

with the new touch screen
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The price leader in analytical balances & the new all-round compound microscope from Kern

The price leader in analytical balances

& the new all-round compound microscope
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Hirschmann Measuring cylinder DURAN®, Class A, main point ring graduation, blue graduation

Hirschmann Measuring cylinder DURAN®

Class A, main point ring graduation, blue graduation
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Alarm thermometers and digital timers, CE

Alarm thermometers and digital timers, CE

Norms IP 65, HACCP, EN 13485
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pH/temperature measuring instrument for liquids, testo 206-pH1 starter set

pH/temperature measuring instrument for liquids

testo 206-pH1 starter set
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Magnetic Stirrer MR Hei-Standard by Heidolph (EU-Plug)

Magnetic Stirrer MR Hei-Standard by Heidolph

Easy handling and direct access to all parameters
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Hei-VAP Core HL/G3B (EU-Plug), Heidolph Rotary Evaporator

Hei-VAP Core HL/G3B, Heidolph Rotary Evaporator

An operating concept that is focused on the essentials.
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NEW: Memmert constant climate chamber HPPeco

NEW: Memmert constant climate chamber HPPeco

Constant climate chamber HPPeco, with ADVANCED PELTIER TECHNOLOGY
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